Search Engine Ranking

Do Not be Scared by Google Panda

SEOWe are still receiving a lot of questions with regards to Google Panda update and how to deal with it. We pretty much covered this topic in our Google Panda Overview post. If you have not read it, we strongly recommend doing this as soon as possible. There are a lot of buzz around the Internet about this topic, but is this really the topic you should read again and again?

It seems like most internet marketing, so-called gurus are trying to do the best to scare people around, so they can flog their products to them. Do you know that the most powerful marketing strategy is based on fear? If the person is scared to death, then it is very easy to sell them a solution, even though it is a very basic one. And you can charge that person a premium price for a method, which claims to help them.

Imagine a webmaster who had been working on a website for several months, who found their website dropping in major search engines. This pour guy will be an easy target for search engine optimization ‘specialists’, who are actually pure internet marketer and they just know how to push buttons to make their products sold. Do not fall into this trap!

If you read our post about new Google algorithm and write down all tips we provide there, you will see that we have not provided any new information there. You can get any good SEO related ebook and use it successfully to fight with this magic ‘Panda’. There is no silver bullet and it is not a rocket science. The only thing you need to do is to follow the rules of SEO game, set by Google.

It is very easy to fight back and return your positions in search engines if you follow our advice. We actually posted a case study on how we were able to help one of our clients, using backlinks in our inventory and adding good quality content on their website. You can read about it in What Kind of Backlinks You Should Buy Today article.

Of cause, if you have a crappy web site and it dropped in ranking, you will have to spend more time to re-gain ranking back, as you will need to publish more great content on it. In the modern world, this website would not be just de-ranked, but it would be more likely de-indexed. If this happens, than we do not think you will be able to get it back into Google. The only chance to do this would be to add content and then re-submit it for review. But there is a big risk that you would not be approved and you will lose your content. There are some other tricks you can try, like getting aged domains and redirecting them to your banned site, but it also does not work as well as before.

So, if your web property has dropped in ranking, but was not de-indexed, then, there is a big chance you can get it back to the top. But do not use any dark or blackhat methods. Do not spam comments and generate tons of profiles with backlinks to it. These methods will not really help, but they can actually harm you in a bad way. You can use these techniques carefully, but only after you have returned your positions in search engines. Below we will remind you what we would do and what we actually do today for our clients.

Steps To Get Search Engin Ranking Back

  1. CONTENT, CONTENT, CONTENT. We want to emphasise again how important good quality content today. This content should not be short as 500 words in one article is not really enough anymore. You should try to make your articles of 1000 words or longer. Having this content, you will outrank most of your competition as they are still using fiverr and other cheap sources for their websites.
  2. Backlinks. We can talk for hours here and will not come to a conclusion on what exactly you should do here. All methods are great (we are not talking about blackhat methods). Articles are great source for backlinks. Social media websites are also great. If you have tried to use those methods, you will know that they are very time consuming. We use those methods and we create, probably from 10% to 20% of those links to our clients’ web pages. The rest are backlinks, which they buy in our inventory. We just do this for them or advise them on what types of text links we would advise them to purchase and they do it themselves.


So far, this methods works great for our clients and you can try it too. Just remember, that you need to have good quality backlinks coming to your quality content. If you do this properly, then you will be fine and new Google algorithm updates will not bother you. So, instead of buying a product from next Search Engine Optimization guru, better spend that money on quality content and backlinks as you will not learn anything new there.

We are hoping that this article was useful and that you have more confidence and knowledge now. Do not be scared, but do what you need to do to stay on the top.

We will continue to monitor trends, which are happening around the web and especially in SEO world and will continue publish updates and our views on that.

What Kind of Backlinks You Should Buy Today

There have been a lot of discussions whether it is safe or not to buy backlinks. And there are two camps. Webmasters say that you should not buy text links. The second group says that you should. To be honest, neither of them is right, but we tend to think that you can use payable one way links to improve your search engine ranking, even after Google Panda update. To prove it we have completed several tests with several websites of our clients, which were dropped in ranking, using links in our inventory only. The results were quite amazing.

One of websites had couple of dozen pages ranked on the first page of Google for very competitive keywords. About a month and a half ago the whole website dropped in ranking and instead of being in the top of SERP, they all had positions between 100 and 500. Sounds very familiar in the modern post Panda SEO world? Of cause the owner of the website panicked and did not know what to do with it and asked us for help. So, here is the story.

If you read our earlier post about new Google algorithm and how to avoid to be penalized, then you will know that there are actually two main very simple steps to follow:

  1. Add new quality content regularly.
  2. Build backlinks to your website.

Let’s covet both of these steps separately.

Content Writing

In terms of content writing we decided not to start aggressively write and publish articles on a daily basis. Instead we were publishing one article a week. Each article was completely unique, so do not use spun content even if it pass copyscape check, as it is not safe now. The average size of each article was between 1000 and 1500 words per article.

Keep in mind days of 300-500 words articles have gone. You can still use those for article marketing, but, you should not use such short articles on your own website. You cannot really put any useful content, which visitors of your website will enjoy reading and find it useful in such a short article.

Let’s summarize what we have actually done with the content. We simply started to update the website regularly and have been publishing one quality article per week. We did this, just to prove that quality of the content is more important than quantity. It does not mean that you should not write articles more often. If you have a capacity, then do so, as this will only help you in a long run.


Now to the interesting part – text links. To prove that purchased backlinks can work as good as free links we used only first types of links and used links only available in our database. It is worth saying that we did not really use single page simple text links. Instead we were using only site-wide backlinks, both context and simple. We also used regular context backlinks. To be honest we also used a couple of guest post feature, which is in a beta testing process at the moment and will be available soon for our users, but still the majority of backlinks we used in our link building process were text links, which are already available to our advertisers.

So, here is what we actually did. We were buying site wide text links ads both context and simple, on a weekly basis, with a pretty low pace (just 2-3 backlinks a week). So far we have built about 10-15 backlinks and we were really surprized with the results we achieved. The website of our client did not just return its positions, but it actually jumped even higher. This small test showed that you can beat Panda with the paid backlinks.

So, let’s summarize what we did in terms of link building:

  1. Buy site-wide backlinks. We were using both simple site-wide test links and context site wide links, to put our backlink within a short relevant content on as many pages as possible. The reason why we used site-wide text links is that they look very natural. Another reason why we prefer to buy site-wide backlinks is that it has better ROI as if you bought text links on the same website separately, it would cost you more if you sum up prices for each text link there.
  2. We also used normal, single page context links as they look natural too.
  3. All links were placed on websites with PR3-PR5. Again, site-wide links help to avoid backlinks to appear only on pages with high page rank, as websites usually have a lot of PR0 webpages too.
  4. We were aiming to get links on websites with page authority higher than 20.
  5. Build links regularly and with a small pace. It does not mean that you should not buy 10 of them on a daily basis, but this process should be spread over time. If you aim is to have 1000 backlinks, then you can buy text links with a higher pace, but do not buy hundreds of backlinks in one day.



Actually, this is pretty it. There is no rocket science in what we did. You should simply add fresh quality content to your site and build quality backlinks. Both of these components will help you in ranking your website higher in today’s environment. So, simply follow these steps and you will be fine. It does not mean that you should not use other methods and SEO strategies, like social marketing, article marketing, videos etc. They all will help, but we just wanted to prove that even simple strategy can help you to achieve great results.

How to Choose a Link Building Service

Anyone serious about SEO and getting their site to the top knows that a link building service is necessary- at least for newer sites and sites that need an extra boost. It simply takes too much time and resources to build up enough back links by yourself or to wait for your low-ranking site to get back links naturally. A good link building service will provide you with the quality links you need to get your site up in the SERPS and increase traffic and results. However, a new link building service appears every single day online. You should be skeptical of these and take caution before choosing a service to use.

The best way to determine if a link building service is legit or fake is to check its rankings. After all, these companies are supposed to be professionals and be able to get results. If the service’s own site cannot rank well for their keywords and niche, then they probably won’t be able to help you! Also, link building services which can be physically contacted are usually more reliable than those which exist only online and offer no support.

You want to make sure that you know exactly what you are getting for your money. A good link building service will give you original links, not duplicate links that search engines can spot. They will also offer different types of links such as though placed in text which are much more valuable to SEO. Expect a quality service to have done its research and be able to provide data on which strategies could work for your website. Of course, price is going to factor into your decision for choosing a link service. Just remember that you get what you pay for and a few quality links are worth more than hundreds of useless ones.

How to Improve Search Engine Rankings

This is the magical question that all webmasters would like a clear cut answer to: how to improve search engine rankings. There are many ways to get your site up there on the search engine result pages (SERPs). However, these ways are constantly evolving as the search engines stay ahead of all the SEO masters trying to trick their way to the top. In reality, the only way to improve search engine rankings is to have a great site that is worth being on the top of the SERPs. Again, there is NO WAY to fake your way to the top but there are some tactics that will give you an advantage.

The first tactic to improve search engine rankings is keywords. You want to make sure that you are targeting relevant keywords in a natural way. Some SEO experts claim that 2-3% is the ideal amount for keywords to appear and more than this will cause ranking deductions. We will never know for sure because the search engine algorithms are a masterminded mystery. We do know, however, that search engine rankings love long tail keywords. That means using entire phrases to improve search engine rankings rather than just one or two words. Try to think about how someone would find your site if they were searching for it. No one types in one-word searches anymore!

After keywords, link building is one of the most important aspects for improving search engine rankings. Each link that comes to your site is like a vote of popularity. However, not every single link has the same power. The goal is to get links from sites that already have good rankings. This is logical: if a highly-ranked site is linking to you, then you are probably also worth high rankings. After these two steps, the tactics get a bit trickier and more detailed such as customizing titles, minding site structure and creating a site map. When it comes to this end of improving site rankings, you are better off consulting the pros.

Then comes the last and most important part of getting your site on the SERPS: traffic. Without visitors to your site, all the work you did to optimize your site will be for nothing. As said before, the only way to genuinely improve site rankings is to make a great site that people want to visit. All the other tricks are just to get people to the site- it is your job to keep them coming back and the traffic growing naturally.