As you know we are working very hard to make our services better for both publishers and advertisers. Most of you might have noticed that we added an ability to change prices for backlinks sold on publishers’ link pages.
But there was still a limitation that the price would stay the same no matter what happens with PageRank of the page. What that meant is that if PageRank increases and the price for backlinks is not changed, that page would have an underestimated price for text links on it. And vice versa, if PageRank for a particular link page drops, then the price for it could be too high, so advertisers will never decide to buy text link ads on that page.
To address this concern we decided to add default pricing feature, which would allow our publishers to define prices depending on PageRank changes. This feature will allow backlink prices to reflect PageRank changes. Please note, that this does not change the price for existing links. We are considering adding this feature, but as it can open a lot of ways for abusing the system, we are thinking about the best ways of doing this.
So, let’s discuss how this feature works.
First thing you need to do is to set default prices by navigating to Link Pages -> Default Pricing page in your members’ area.

You will see that we have default prices already set there for you. If you do not agree with with those, then you can edit and save them.

You will also see that from now on when you add a new link page there is a new check box appeared on that page, saying ‘Use default prices’. If you check it the default pricing model will be used for the new page you are going to add to our system. The same checkbox is available when you edit your existing pages, so if you want to use default pricing for web pages, which are already in our database, you can edit them to enable this option.
In case if you have a lot of link pages and want to use default pricing for all of them you can get in touch with our support and ask them to enable this option for all your pages.

As before we will appreciate if you let us know about any issues with this new feature and provide us with the information on anything you would like to see on our website.